My little Story 3

Hi hope all well I here voices and interact with Spirit and Divine giving very unusual experiences. I like to stick them into little story’s with a pinch of salt.

So there he was just out of bed minding his business cup of tea at hand getting ready to send a bit of healing and protection with the Angles and Good Jesus on Stand by. Candles lit and prayers said hopes were high with eyes barely open. In his house on a Saturday morning in a lovely sweet seaside town.

He sat back and relaxed for a second and in came the bastard’s energy sweet Jesus it was as if the man down stairs came knocking with half the place.

What he saw next won’t be mentioned but unclean was an understatement. He felt the bastard’s energy come strong with blow after blow. 

He lit up the top of his head with light and called on above and blew them from the room in fright. They came back again and again to no avail; the healing was sent in a mad show with Beethoven blazing.

From outside he heard them say that is not how to do healing. Right he said the Theater is playing the die has been set with Beethoven blazing he looked to on high and said ohh how the so high and mighty look down on one thought of so lowly will you please help the people I am sending healing to.

He heard a yelp from outside as they ran away. 

He saw imagery in the mind of Lion and Tiger with a blanket over head hiding as he raised the vibe calling on above.

He was on roll and kept blazing away clearing after clearing and protection and healing cast to good folk as the bastards blazed away to no avail.

It was done, it was finished. He heard something from outside, a critical voice no less muttering something or other . 

To which he picked up his phone and got positive feedback from a Good Lady which helped a lot to which he gave thanks to above and the Good Lady would be back again. High praise indeed from another healer.

The next message he was getting was healing himself at the same time a Good lady sent healing and protection for himself and his house from her sacred place and included would you believe a cross for exorcism and a statue of the Good Jesus himself.

He sat back with a smile, cup of tea in hand ready for a shower.

So, at day’s end minding his business as a good man should. He was giving thanks for his day to the Good Goddess and so on and next out of nowhere the darkness appeared in front of him he could see nothing but Eternal Darkness no matter which way he looked. 

He invoked the Assistance of Michael the ArchAngel. 

He Invoked the Assistance of Rafael the ArchAngel. 

He invoked the Assistance of the Holy Spirit.

There was a pause as he stood there and stared at each other such as it was. It completely encompassed  him. He could feel his own Protection rise around him and shine in the darkness he could feel his strength flow into his body which made him braver than usual. Strangely he felt strong and very comfortable given the dire situation.They stood there for what seemed an eternity face to face such as it was. He rubbed his stomach like he was going to take a bite out of it. He says you know me I know you remember we have met before and you know I am a Good Jesus man but I have Good Friends of Good Friends here and there. If you do not leave I will walk into you. To which he placed his hand in front of him and walked straight at it to which it promptly disappeared back to where it belonged. 

He gave many thanks and prayers to the Angels that night and Goddess and Gods that night and got a good night’s sleep.

A little Prayer and Gratitude

Hi, I hear Voices and interact with Spirit and the Divine giving unusual experiences. That said I went to the office today and did a fairly good days work while hearing voices. I guess I have different reality’s I perceive but I have belief in most of them with a pinch of salt but they can seem a bit to real and I have had others give unusual readings about some of the stuff I experience which I always find odd. See one of my little story below.

A Little Story:

So, he was lying in bed there minding his own business as a any good man should do. Trying to connect to the Angels. As, he does he calls in a bit of healing and Protection from Spirit and the Divine. All in Love and Light of course. The next thing he sees a Young Lady’s in Spirit naked as the day she was born sweet Jesus the Goddess/God/Spirit have a humor to them about such things and he feels her energy just blend right in.

The room turned cold as ice and so did he and could feel her blend into his being.  He could feel an impressive amount of healing and clearing he would usually associate with the Angels Clearing and strengthening boundaries from the other Bastards energy bothering him, the Devil himself would disown from that second on he declared with intent.

Now being a good fella seeing a young lady promptly called the Angels to take all Spirits to heaven right and quick for he had his reputation to think off, but his boundaries felt strong and felt good and kept the other bastard’s energy out for a while.

He muttered this at that to the Divine not complaining of course but he said the Bastards and good folk had concerns about such things and these things should not be taken lightly ever.

They show me and paint me as the Bastard through and through that the man downstairs would disown. These ever so Saintly Folk with Judgment as if Priests from old on Pulpits Screaming of Fire and Brimstone with show and grander of Broadway and madness glowing in their eyes and spittle flying from mouth and smile hidden all the while, but they wait and relax as I wonder around battered with scrabbled egg for Brains for over 16 years and more with same show and worse many years ago.

There ever so Saintly and Good Folk with Wands and Judgement in hand with smile hidden all the while. These ever so Saintly folk with such great concerns of course or maybe just High fuckery hard to tell at this stage or any stage.

The Bastards declared with Might and Joy you’re a bastard through and through his reply with Boundaries very strong from Spirit a moment before and all good and a bit of fuckery of his own with a little help from Spirit you’re a bastard’s energy to me from a bastard through and through.

He looked to the Divine and Spirit and said I have never excused an action in my life and never will but I ask for forgiveness with little expectation of anything but death and misery but that was a long time ago and I have received more blessings than I could have ever hoped by just praying and believing and a little energy and fuckery of course.

I said this plainly a long time ago this is what they think of me you can see more clearly than any even asked their own to speak to them. So, you can see me and know who you send to me in Spirit with all this in mind.

He was once told since he would never have children, but he will work with them in Spirit the Bastards may have Screamed their Fire and Brimstone and the spittle flying from overused orifices called mouths and at this and to be honest he balked himself but called on the Angels for complete protection and a room for healing around same with angels otherwise he would have none of this ever-placing foot firmly on ground.

They have accused him off all sorts of shady deals and deception and energies of same. So, he thought to himself perhaps I will go to Church say a few Our Fathers and Hail Mary’s light a candle and look for a Priest for a blessing, but I will never confess or ask a catholic priest to absolve my sins for anything he had done.

For what was done through the Church in Jesus Good name in years past cannot be undone, but I like to talk to Good People not labels. 

After all the Bastards have said he half expects the Holy Water to Bubble on touch and his Good self to burst into flames from what they have said. He smiles and hands up his usual bit to you most high with the highest and best resolution in mind of larger schemes in mind too big for just him in Love and Light of course even taking a few blows along the way if need but maybe a few less today to much duct tape for the brain today.

They even tried to accuse him of doing good deeds to clear Karma from his questionable life, but he was told by good source that would have taken 6 months and those on high they would have taken him well out of their hell, but he went off asking for a lot more than that things that seemed mad then but seem much saner now.

Also, another good source said I see what he prays for and what bothers you, you will be up here in 3 months at peace with us, 2 years later he was still shining that light and they said we are in business.

I always I offer up my bit with Thanks and Gratitude.

With Love and Light I Thank You.

A Little Story and Prayer

I hope all well I hear voices and can have an altered sense of reality which always makes it very interesting to interaction with Spirit/Divine.

Below is not meant to give offense but just seems to be my interaction with my environment Spirit/Divine and voices and altered states of reality.


A Little Story and Prayer: 

There was a fella sitting minding his business doing a bit of work. Sure, one day he took to the bed about 16 years ago. He always had a bit of bother with the head. 

He had Witches and Jesus and Angels and all sorts going he did not know where he was. He was seeing all sorts. Sure, they gave him the pills for his ills. Now he was full sure of himself there was a bit of fuckery going on but sure the more he spoke the madder they wrote the madder he looked. 

It was as of Hell itself opened up in a little seaside town, he bought a house to retire in. Lovely place with lovely folk and it was great to hear the birds sing but there was fuckery about and a mark the place to be sure as lovely as it looked and as nice as the good folk were as lovely as the birds sound and still do. 

So, he knew in our new age there was only ever one way out but sure they said go back you have more to do.  

Below day and night they swore at him they cursed they battered with all their might. Left in a right state confused as if they cursed the mind inside, wake or sleep and night after night year after year night moon after moon left with scrambled eggs for Brains and little else but a wing and a prayer.  

You would not tell the Psychiatrist that do you would be fucked inside come out worse again. He was sure all sorts of fuckery but sure no one noticed, and he died inside. He was accused off all sorts with scrambled eggs for brains and worse inside. Sweet Jesus they said I was worse than the man down stairs himself. The are words like hate but this would not come close to what was shown to already odd mind. 

So, one day he kneeled in front of an alter said a prayer to good Jesus and God and Michael Archangel but he said I start form there and return to their but such was the state off things he prayed to new and old Gods and to sort themselves out if ye could not find peace how the fuck are we down here and to go bang yer heads together to make it work and if I have to take a few hits down here so be it now sort it out. He prayed for others as well folk like him. 

With Tears regret and empathy in heart he prayed with all his might and was mad enough to bind himself to it. 

Well fuck the lot of us there was fuckery all round and 16 years later they are giving out to him for his prayers and a bit of fuckery himself and a few Good Friends that tagged along. 

For every mark against my person, every waging tongue, gossip and worse I give my bit as asked in Love and Light to Jesus and ask him to start from there and a have with the Hope that Good Friends of Good Friends we will know a bit of peace. 

Now they come back and as they complain and mock and ask to show what us you can to in a bloody war no one wants and ask him, he who he should hate them with all his heart all they are. He thinks with a bit of a smile. 

So, he does do nothing other than ask you on high to help and add my prayers to all the many prayers that go up if anything in my little song and dance I did here can help I give much thanks, but I take care of myself to much duct tape on the brain for now. 

Much Thanks and Gratitude as Always. 


A thought occurred to me thinks can be done Spiritually/Energetically to affect things with power and might but to truly affect something and truly make a difference is to create as much as possible a World where this power is not required to be used or as little as possible or at least a last option.  

To truly make a difference to the world in a Spiritual/Energetic manner, one would need to enlighten us in Love and Light with the hope we find peace of mind and a real spiritual/energetic manner not the nice and shiny version. 

Also, we literally can do this ourselves and if not, this reflects us as a people and species. Sorry bit preachy. 


Love and Light 

May we all be safe

and know peace

have a few quid

in the pocket and

food in the belly

and the sun and a

smile on your face. 

The Light The Dark and The Evil

Hi hope all well,

Below is some thoughts it is not meant to give offense but just trying to get it out off my head.

I have been debating stuff in my head about Light & Darkness and Evil.

For example Love which I would say is light if something went wrong with the ones we care for it might get the reaction of shall we say. For the ones I love I will do great and terrible things. This is then is darkness to me but it is in Light. So Darkness in Light at least in my mind.

Now I would be into the whole Love and Light guy more or less for ever and will always be. However I channel energies bigger than me which I respect. And I always start from a place of love and light or the light and the Good Jesus and the protection of Michael Archangel .

I have been abused in violent ways which gives I guess a darkness/pain in me. Now I do the whole protection thing been doing it for years. But now and then an energy turns up and grapes you by the heart and you ain’t walking away singing cumbia and no protection is getting rid of it.

It is part of me as the energies I channel are essentially part of who I am. That does not mean I channel every dark external energy but certain energies are not really external as best I can tell they are essesntialy part or an energetic expression of who I am or part of me.

I have been violently abused there is pain and darkness I guess to an unreasonable level. Giving rise to me either attracting these energies or simply acknowledging they are me or part of me.

That does not mean I accept any energy of a dark nature into my being just the ones that are essentially me or an expression of parts of me that are in pain or darkness. They ones are not really the ones you don’t get to say no too they ain’t going away.

Some energies I send away or deny as I can just tell that ain’t me and are flat out external and of no use and just evil not darkness.

That said you wake at 3:30 am with an energy gripping your heart squeezing the light and life out of it with pure dread. Breathing heavy and more or less what the fuck you going to do now. I do my usual love and light but ask it can we be good friends which ends up me more or less channeling and can use this energy now and it comes out when folk are well being a bit over violent and evil.

That said I control that energy as it is bigger than me and to be cautious off it out of respect alone. Also I heal or transmute this energy as it represents pain or dread or anger and I have been doing so with a little bit of success.

So to me this is the light in the darkness. I would like to think I would be able to work in healing with folk who have this darkness as it is in me as well but it reperents something to be healed in me not going off doing dark stuff which to me would be evil but as mentioned this can be done from the light as well. I hope that makes sense

So to me there is Light and Darkness and there is light and darkness in both and there is a whole other category of evil which is a mad mix of above. Also this does not mean I go running around looking for dark energies or even studying dark stuff just simply acknowledging some energies simply represent me and what was done to me and to heal it.

I have no idea if that makes sense and I will probably change my mind in a week. Let me know what you think it the comments.

I realize above is not every ones cup of tea so I would not argue just agree to disagree.

Love and Light Keep up the Good Fight

It’s nice to be Nice.

Environment Hearing Voices

Hi, hope all is well have not posted in a while but thought of below today during the experience of critical voices.

The environment I am in there is fairly malevolent energy from some members of the community so when you are there you get them and as a voice-hearer as voices you get them calling you psycho and schizo and worse as voices when you are not there and when you are there it’s both. It is them 24/7 in your dreams etc. For years. (This is staying out of more paranoid and fanciful thought about this and that)

Until I figure out how to get out of that toxic environment. I cannot imagine a recovery no matter how many pills I try they are still there going at it causing the same voices of toxic nature and tactile sensations of a disgusting nature on me.

I can’t imagine anyone viewed as such in the same environment would do much better.

I would require a fairly large dose of medication so I would be dysfunctional which I do not fancy.

I am not sure what a Psychiatrist or GP can do about that. It will stay the same until I get to a better environment but I will try to things of course.

I remember my training saying the environment is important in healing I guess this is a reminder of how much.

Love and Light Keep up the Good Fight.