My Retreat and Visit to St. Coleman’s Cave

Hi, hope your well. Have not blogged in a while trying to get back into the habit.

I am currently baking my first loaf of bread in the oven. Hoping it turns out ok and if not well there is always the shop😊

My arm is healing from the crash nicely have a lot of movement back in it. Need to get the last bit of movement back when reaching up. I lack a lot of stamina and strength but these will come back with time and effort. I genuinely found focusing my mind on my arm and the sensation of energy’s to help a lot with the pain so I did not use pain killers after first 3 weeks. I also believe it helps a lot to help with the healing process. I am truly happy I did not need surgery on the arm😀

I am back from a retreat in Galway find link below. I find visiting the place helps to center my mind and spiritually enriching. I cannot do much yoga yet so mostly meditated and read very interesting books. The host is very friendly. We paid a visit to St. Coleman’s cave in Claire. I had to take it easy with dodgy arm but made it up hills.There was beautiful scenery on the way. My hands felt unusually warm on the way up. The cave was very still and very calming on my mind. I touched the rock and my hands were so warm the rock felt warm. I found it a very interesting experience.

I felt energized from the retreat with a new thirst for knowledge in general but more so spiritual type of knowledge. I was given an interesting autobiography of a great yogi . I am finding very enjoyable and interesting to read.

I think I will go on retreat every month or so here and there just to center myself.

I have my troubles but feel at peace with life even if I am unsure what road to take. I was asked a question what brings you joy on the retreat to which I thought and said joy is were you seek it. Will need to think about this for a while and see if it makes sense. I find simple joy in a good conversation or bird song on a walk but I need to make a reminder to myself it is there as I can get lost in my head.

While writing this blog I forgot to set timer for bread it’s looking a bit dodgy like I said there is always the shop.

The host recommended a film on Netflix called the Shaq. I would recommend it. I myself about 10 minutes in felt the urge to cry and apologize to God for being so angry at God. It felt good I am more at peace, I may need to remind myself of it from time to time.

Well that’s enough of my crazy head for now

Keep up the good fight 👊🏾✊🏻✊🏾👍🏼

The Willow Retreat

Feeling good.