The Light The Dark and The Evil

Hi hope all well,

Below is some thoughts it is not meant to give offense but just trying to get it out off my head.

I have been debating stuff in my head about Light & Darkness and Evil.

For example Love which I would say is light if something went wrong with the ones we care for it might get the reaction of shall we say. For the ones I love I will do great and terrible things. This is then is darkness to me but it is in Light. So Darkness in Light at least in my mind.

Now I would be into the whole Love and Light guy more or less for ever and will always be. However I channel energies bigger than me which I respect. And I always start from a place of love and light or the light and the Good Jesus and the protection of Michael Archangel .

I have been abused in violent ways which gives I guess a darkness/pain in me. Now I do the whole protection thing been doing it for years. But now and then an energy turns up and grapes you by the heart and you ain’t walking away singing cumbia and no protection is getting rid of it.

It is part of me as the energies I channel are essentially part of who I am. That does not mean I channel every dark external energy but certain energies are not really external as best I can tell they are essesntialy part or an energetic expression of who I am or part of me.

I have been violently abused there is pain and darkness I guess to an unreasonable level. Giving rise to me either attracting these energies or simply acknowledging they are me or part of me.

That does not mean I accept any energy of a dark nature into my being just the ones that are essentially me or an expression of parts of me that are in pain or darkness. They ones are not really the ones you don’t get to say no too they ain’t going away.

Some energies I send away or deny as I can just tell that ain’t me and are flat out external and of no use and just evil not darkness.

That said you wake at 3:30 am with an energy gripping your heart squeezing the light and life out of it with pure dread. Breathing heavy and more or less what the fuck you going to do now. I do my usual love and light but ask it can we be good friends which ends up me more or less channeling and can use this energy now and it comes out when folk are well being a bit over violent and evil.

That said I control that energy as it is bigger than me and to be cautious off it out of respect alone. Also I heal or transmute this energy as it represents pain or dread or anger and I have been doing so with a little bit of success.

So to me this is the light in the darkness. I would like to think I would be able to work in healing with folk who have this darkness as it is in me as well but it reperents something to be healed in me not going off doing dark stuff which to me would be evil but as mentioned this can be done from the light as well. I hope that makes sense

So to me there is Light and Darkness and there is light and darkness in both and there is a whole other category of evil which is a mad mix of above. Also this does not mean I go running around looking for dark energies or even studying dark stuff just simply acknowledging some energies simply represent me and what was done to me and to heal it.

I have no idea if that makes sense and I will probably change my mind in a week. Let me know what you think it the comments.

I realize above is not every ones cup of tea so I would not argue just agree to disagree.

Love and Light Keep up the Good Fight

It’s nice to be Nice.

Mr Pete the Voice

Below is a sort of presentation from my Voice Mr. Pete of what a critical voice is under his understanding. I will not go into how it was communicated other than it was communicated.

It was intelligently done at the time, and I cannot do it justice, but I will try. It involves some of my experiences mixed in it is sort of me at the start and blends to him and to me again.

I once watched a video by Elanor Longden, in it I thought she said I am compassionate to my voices, and she says I get along with my voices and all is good. So, I thought to myself I will be compassionate to my voices, and all will be well. See link below to her Ted Talk.

So, I tried for a while, and they basically told me “Fuck off”. I felt disheartened and rejected by my voices, this hurt. So, I went back and watched the video again. Showing the voices compassion and building a relationship would take time and practise. From that day I worked hard and would use humour and various things to try build a relationship with the voices.

So, I would try find meaning to my voices. I came up with various things over the years one of them Mr Pete explains.

The voices are in pain they can be repressed or dissociated emotions, so they use the language of pain.

Let me try and explain what I mean by this. You are sitting down minding your own business having a cuppa and someone wonders by, and smiles says hello in a friendly manner. This places you in a good mood. The next person walks by asks how you are. You say I am good thanks this is not the language of pain.

Now imagine this narrative again. You are sitting down minding your own business with a cuppa someone walks by smiles and smashes a mallet into your knee. You spill your tea you are more than a little upset. The next person walks by and calmly asks you how you are. You reply in very colorful expletives possibly flipping the bird with very angry eyes.

This could be considered the language of pain.

Now remember the pain from the critical voice is mental trauma from being violated from rape, violence, and many of the unacceptable behaviours perpetrated by members of society. Some may not seem trauma based and may not be but in general critical voices have some bases in trauma of some kind.

Now if you imagine the critical voice has been limping around for years crying for help the person hearing the voice can end up at logger heads with it, the rest of the family can be telling it to fuck off and also trying to quiet the voice with various medication (nothing wrong with meds they just don’t work for everyone).

Thanks To above from Mr. Pete I hope I did the idea justice (I feel the rest of my voices had some input in this, they are currently making farting noises to object to me writing this.)

For example, I don’t feel lonely anymore, which as a human being does not make sense to me. I spend a huge amount of time alone it just suits me. I would happily sit down listen to music (which is a blessing) and forget the world exists after my weeks work. But some of my voices would like company and are lonely and express this in the language of pain. Which like the person holding his knee from the mallet blow can be colorful.

On a side note, the person receiving the mallet blow from someone smiling would be a bit dubious of people approaching smiling as learned from past experience. (Psychiatry can diagnose responses to this which to me seems a bit mad)

I simple understanding the person is nervous about smiling people approaching them and just needs a bit of help and discussion around this would be much more useful than medicating them.

Hope above makes sense just trying to understand the world which from my perspective is completely mad and we agree cultural narratives and community narratives some of which can be useful, but some are extremely harmful to us and those around us.

Let’s change the narrative

let’s look outside our personal narrative

to understand other narratives and the

cultural narrative with curiosity and empathy

and see the effect we are having on each other.

May we learn to good people

who let good people be

and help when we can.

Love & Light Keep up the Good Fight


Working with your mind/voices

Hey hope your well. Nice day here now, well still a bit cloudy. Very heavy rain earlier couple of places around the country are without electricity. We are lucky here, thank God.

Just like to note some stuff about my mind and voices and tactile sensations and what I have adopted as my norm. Also, my current way of dealing with them.

My voices are incredibly angry now and have been for the last while. They will pick anything from memory make it look as hideous as possible. Cut out the bits they do not like and build a heck of an energy around that. It does not need to be true but that has never stopped them. It came to mind I was doing a lot of chord cutting meditations, see link to one meditation to You Tube below. If you want to try.

It struck me some voices not all, some I get along with brilliantly. However, some attach themselves like chords to any shame or guilt in my person, and I mean anything. I thought of similarity to cords to cut in meditation, they could be considered like voices which need to be cut which have attached themselves to stuff in my person.

One minute I am chilling and the next I got images of stuff from 30 years ago pop into my head and a voice demanding I explain it. It can be a shock but after a while it can become the norm. I have been through this before, they just keep going and going until I basically break. I do not feel like breaking this time sort of curious what happens if I do not. This would be under constant threat of Guards (police) calling or gang to beat me up or I need to go fess up to what happened, not sure if Guards would laugh me out of the station or stick me in a mental institution not one of my favorite places in the world. After 14 years what can I say nobody showed. They also show me stuff about other people as well of an unpleasant nature. See link below just in case you think you are too Saintly. I also like to think people are inherently good even if personally have had a few show me a very dark side to themselves.

I am sort of believing none of us or at least very few of us are what we think we are. Underneath the bonnet we are something completely different. I guess we all have a few things we are not proud, now imagine a voice in your head showing you these for months on end. Even going to the extent of changing them and making them look very seedy indeed and making stuff up. They were even changing supposed memories right in front of my mind’s eye and still expected me to do something about it. It builds an energy in your head that can be nearly impossible to live with. The thing is I am so used to this, it literally does not bother me anymore. I now simply dismiss it, it does not matter who is wrong or right. Holy God my voices love to argue about nothing. I forgive myself and anyone else involved. I let go of any fear or guilt or shame etc. Hearing voices all my life this incarnation of them has been cropping up over 14 years. I am over it. This does not seem to stop them, but I feel quite happy about myself and try to forgive them while they literally feel like a tornado blasting my head.

Also, lately they it feels like they are forcing thoughts through my mind. This can take a while to get used to. After a while it is like the thoughts in your mind or just voices and you can nearly sit back and just watch them. It can be weird effect. Meditation can help but does not stop the thoughts/voices. If you can imagine you are sitting there a thought process pops into my mind, I let it go it repeats and repeats. Literally every couple of seconds more or less all day. It is like a stream of thoughts/voices that you can get caught in very badly and just get dragged along if you are not incredibly careful.

Mediation can help calm the mind or a task focused on or listening to music. Again, I am sort of used to this my mind can go blab la blab la about all sorts and I just stop see if anything interesting in it have quick think about it and let it go if I can do nothing about it. The Voices try to make a big deal of any thought process in the middle of this mess that is less than saintly and go off on one. I just let it go quickly as it is waste of time. Can get interesting stuff from it do including picture below and some posts on this site. I would not have done if they were not there.

While writing this they are shouting away and making noises of fingers snapping in my ears. They go quite when the music stops to go onto next song it is a very strange effect. It is odd when they go from voices in your head to literally a real voice in a blink of an eye in your ear. This is hard to explain just some are obviously voices in your head the consistency of the voices is different to peoples voices. It is really weird when they change to the same. You can also feel things poke at your body in an unpleasant way and bouncing off your boundaries and make sounds like they are getting off to you. Somewhat unpleasant to say the least. This can be unpleasant when it affects parts of your body physically. These are called tactile sensations by some and something else by others might go into that some other time.

Also, I have been fascinated for years how voices/thoughts absolutely focus on a story (psychosis to some). This story is everything it is all important but the second anything gets it the way of this story and the whole thing changes in front of your eyes. They just flow like into this new story is now the be all and end all story and the last one is dropped in a heartbeat. It is like a river flowing and we must stick to this mainstream the second it hits an obstacle and changes stream the last one is forgotten in a heartbeat. You cannot see it as you are in the stream. I have been learning for years to step out of this stream and chill as it just takes up too much time energy.

I would imagine that would sound mad or I do not know what that sounds to others. This is my norm; I feel my life is blessed. I am happy to be alive. I have a job. Finally got a deck of self-care cards going into production Monday. I love them they should make a few quid and hopefully put a smile on someone’s face and help them and others to think about their mental health. Did group Reiki healing today and loved it. I could do that stuff all day, just need to find someone to pay me to do so.

Had a great group meeting with the hearing voices groups last Saturday where I get to talk to people with similar experiences. It was a great talk went slightly over time and the two plus hours flew by. I really would recommend. For people with Voices or extreme experiences. Felt weird typing that I do not consider my experience an extreme experience just my normal life.

I would consider my spiritual growth is good. I am currently trying to figure out the concept that most enlightened beings basically started like you or me and we are basically enlightened beings we just need to do the practice. I am not sure what that means right now other than I embrace self-love and forgiveness for myself and try to figure out how to extend this to others. Try to judge like way less, can be tricky concept with thoughts/voices on board. My Spirits are good 😊.

Given I hear voices I sometimes adapt meditation to where I am at. For example, a smiling meditation (I think it is a thing, I have never looked it up) compassion meditation is awfully close. So, you just sit there, and you smile but you try feel that compassion for yourself. You do not just smile you feel it. I then try focus on smiling on my heart. It is like placing a smile in your heart. If a thought pops into your head, you smile a little more and feel compassion for yourself for having a thought you cannot stop from coming up. Whatever happens you just smile at it. Do not worry at thoughts coming up just smile and focus on that and the feeling of that. This amazingly simple technique has helped me heal and accept a lot of stuff. You can invite in Spirit or energy or whatever you believe in to help if that is your belief. Obviously if your smile gets too big just start again you are not meant to hurt your face. If there are to many thoughts just sit with a slight smile on your face but feel that love for yourself no matter what pops into your head.

Well, that is it for me off to small meditation and get away from PC for a while. I also need to tidy up. Have a great day.

Love and light keep up the good fight.

Did below phrase in my last circle, really liked it so placed an image behind it. Will stick on Facebook page during the week, see link below.

Abundance/HV Group/Synchronicity

Hi, hope this finds you well. It was a lovely blue sky here today if a little on the cold side.

I had a fairly lazy start to the morning did up couple posts for My Facebook page see link below. I try do motivational posts sometimes funny posts (I do my best, honest).

I did an Abundance course with Christine Mulvihill lovely woman I owe her and her circle’s and courses a lot. I developed my ability to read cards and various other things through her and the people I met. She is not perfect just Brilliant but she took me on when a lot of other people would not of given the time of day. Apparently some of the community I live in have given my quite the reputation (not in a good way). Also I hear voices and a history of going in and out of mental institutions. I got real and great healing through her. I owe her and every one I met along the way a lot and I will not forget that. Link to her Facebook Page Below

I went to Hearing Voices group online. Unfortunately logged on late but the information was brilliant one of the woman really knows her stuff. I did not say much but the information I got in space of 3/4 of an hour would put most councilors and therapists to shame. Mostly because they do not really understand the experience and would find it difficult to relate to. Also just to see certain topics touched on was amazing you would need to go through a ludicrous threat assessment depending on what Mental Health professional you where talking to on this stuff. I have raised these topics with professionals and family before and you could see their reaction, they just had no idea what to make of it and usually make the situation much more difficult. No really there fault they honestly they just cannot relate or need to believe they can’t not sure which (Probably just me paranoid on this one, maybe also the mind(ego) is incredible at lying to itself to maintain it’s belief in what it is, just my opinion). This is a link to one of their sites.

Synchronicity – This is “meaningful coincidences” I heard someone bring this up during the day. I have had these experiences myself. I mentioned in previous posts that last year I had an experience that basically killed me 14 years ago or close enough, I was dead on my feet. It took my 6-7 years to even start to get back on my feet after it. The weird thing is the people I was around 14 years ago surfaced again during the process. People I would have worked with 14 years ago suddenly just showed up again and situations repeated. People got sick with the same thing. I cannot remember them all but there was like amazing coincidences that somewhat baffle the mind. Also somewhere along my healing process, I tried for hearing voices group unsuccessfully for some reason this time it literally just drops in my lap I was not even looking. It is almost like I got a second chance to take shot at what more or less killed me last time.

I am bit battered and can finally make an effort to move house which would be a God send (again their are good people where I live but well I guess everywhere has a few bad eggs I think after 14 years I have taken enough abuse). I repeated some of the mistakes last time but again the right healers again just seemed to help me at critical points. Also we are on lockdown again and I am in the sisters house well over the 5km lockdown in place from Cobh. It is not pretty but I am alive, I have not been institutionalized, I even get on with my current psychiatrist. I have no idea how but I am even working in the 9-5 and doing little bits on the side. My mind is relaxing few clitch’s along the way but much better.

It is great to be in new environment otherwise be sitting at the computer in Cobh which I did enough off last year.

Voices are acting up a bit but nothing I cannot handle.

Link below to go fund me campaign to get self care cards up and running any help appreciated.

Wishing you well

Love and Light

Keep up the good Fight

I like to do simple stuff like below, love more complicated stuff but I just like simple sometimes.


Morning, hope this finds you well. Lovely morning here but bit cold. It is about -1 but it feels like -8. Be back working tomorrow from home so will probably not post for the week or so.

I had my first Hearing voices group yesterday. It is a support group for people for hear voices. It was very interesting, to hear some things discussed that I would not bother tell most people given the reactions I got in the past. The was a range of accents I would need to get used to. My attention can be poor but I was mostly present in the group. I really liked it. Chakras and energy was even mentioned which I was surprised at. I looking forward to attending more meetings and just see where it goes.

My body feels a bit sore from the experience of being attacked the night before in the night it feels like muscles are pulled odd experience might bring weekly group I joined. I had a good night sleep did half wake to voices saying something or other don’t pay much attention any more. I thing one woke me up saying “We know what you are”. Had some interesting dreams.

Started get well cards but ended up looking at making my own website. Looks like a bit of work but looks handy enough on WordPress. Send self care cards of to a councilor to have a quick look to see if anything political dodgy in them. I have 3 decks ready but liking the motivational and self-care cards might do these first as I can afford to get these printed up.

Might do a little work and exercise today but mostly just might chill with Netflix as back a full time job tomorrow. Had thought about God stuff below from my diary again I would not argue this stuff just a thought.

“Popped into my head today if you do not feel protected or annoyed at the divine for some reason or the bad thing happened. All good parents let their children learn and make their own mistakes otherwise how would they ever learn and grow and evolve. I feel this is one of the harsher things I have written in a while, but I believe there is truth to it.”

Below is a link to Go Fund Me to Get Self Care Cards done up any few quid be appreciated to help fund them.

Love and Light

Keep up the Good Fight

Self Care Cards

How we now, How we Now, How we now. I finished the self care cards delighted with myself. They are just small 50x50mm cards with tips & image, I used for self care over the years on my recovery. They are meant to be used for people in general but mostly for folk with the mental health giving a bit of bother. Could shuffle them and pick a card or two for inspiration or throw them in a jar and pick one. Could also use them for readings if that’s your thing.

Took a break for a while after cards done did little weights. I need to get back exercising my body it is gone very week. The Sister and Brother-in-law are treating me very well. I came her as did not fancy working from home again for another lock down. My mind is not perfect, but it is much better here less people around to be paranoid by. Still some intrusive imagery and get paranoid at odd car driving by but not much. Now I can deal with voices as opposed to people at the same time. Chilling listening to some tunes.

Did rough outline of Mother’s Day Cards I could sell on Facebook. They do not cost much to be made up. I like my designs. Would make a few quid nothing massive but it is not a big investment so worth the risk. Thinking of doing some get well cards as well.

Mostly just relaxing just letting the mind heal. One of the voices mentioned Cobh I have no idea why. I am not there it is just not in my mind. I am doing my best to make bank account look good so I can move out quickly when I find a house away from folk. The voices keep calling my projects arts and crafts, does not bother me either way I like the stuff I do. I have seen some lovely arts and crafts stuff, I have paid good money for. Anyone I showed my stuff to says it looks great. When my voices make a charge at me now it is unpleasant but I can handle it. It seems easier with less people around. Felt some connection to Spirit but at the moment just focusing on boundaries and grounding. Like to do energy work in the evening before go to bed

There is less bothering my mind here so can have a look at some projects for the year. See how much I can do before I get back to the Day job without placing to much pressure on myself. Hope your new years day is going well.

Below is a link to Go Fund Me to Get Self Care Cards done up any few quid be appreciated to help fund them.

Till next time.

Light and Love.

Keep up the good Fight

May your year be filled with blessings

Happy New Year/Despair to Hope

A new year.

A time for Hope.

A time for despair.

You choose.

So I have heard voices all my life. 14 years ago I hit the rocks ended up depressed for years and about 21 stone in weight. More or less sitting around broke and utterly miserable few suicide attempts in and out of mental health facilities. No money no job not exactly the happiest man you would speak to. No real hope for a future.

I would not recommend the experience. I made the decision about 6 years in get off my ass as I just could not continue as I was. Starting walking managed about a mile first day and nearly had a heart attack, I kept going and persisted badgered by voices every step of the way and my own inner demons. That decision lead me to wobble around three marathons and I have been working for the last 6 years. I have a strong faith in the Divine which helps.

I met the right people in circles and holistic healing course which brought me along leaps and bounds. It has not all been plane sailing. I have had many difficulties and pit stops along the way. So skip forward to this year my mind hit the same place it hit 14 years ago but this time I know from experience what to do or at least what not to do.

I eventually asked the right people for help the lock down here did not help. Also the fact I though I was invincible did not help either but eventually got the strength to ask for help. I choose to keep a positive outlook as best I could can be tricky with voices. Not sure if I won more than I lost but I set my intent and kept dusting myself off along the way. Learned about myself and others this year. I designed a set of cards for motivation and reading along the way hope to get them production next year. I ran a Facebook page to do motivational quotes during this time frame which I am very proud off given my state of mind. I have not had the need to be committed in about 9ish years which I am also very proud off it is extremely difficult to get off this circle of going in and out of mental institutions once it starts.

I think what differed this time to the last time was simply experience and just shear determination to not go back to where I was and of course a lot of help along the way from here and above. I am much better place now but of course like everyone still have work to do.

At any time during this year I could of simply choose utter disappear and done something that would of landed me right back in hospital or the morgue. I know as I have made decisions in the past that did so.

I guess what I am trying to say is you cannot choose what life throws at you but really can choose how to respond to it. I choose to what I can with what I have and not to forget to smile even if there are a few tears along the way.

Choose Hope not despair. You might be in the same situation but you would have at least some joy in your heart.

Happy new year

I wish you the best

Below is a link to Go Fund Me to Get Self Care Cards done up any few quid be appreciated to help fund them.

Just little extract from my diary (just give you some insight to where my mind is )as always take with a pinch of salt but never assume it is all mad. Best of luck figuring which. I use term V/P which cover voices or people which are getting hard to tell apart. Also just wondered do others have such experiences.

I would appear some local concerned V/P took the liberty to knock me right into trance/blackout with my mother in the room. I lose cognitive function just slightly did feel a lot of movement in energy in my hands and effect on my visuals. Like fluttering out of consciousness. I thought if I worked on my boundaries it would work and almost did and helped but did not stop them in the end. I believe had I my full cognitive capacity I would have left the room, which I believe I did not, I remind myself to do this in the future as it is safer. My mother was unaware of anything. I came do saying in my mind “I only work in love and light. I am asking you to leave.” Repeatedly. They then proceeded to show me imagery of horror stuff (intrusive thoughts) with the comment that is lovely imagery to have in your head. I was just coming out of slight black out and said I have whole universes in my head which looks so real I was convinced for a lot of my life they were, but they are not. I have imagery in my head of all sorts of heavenly and hellish things and I am not explaining it to anyone who just wonders by happily knocking me out, violating my being having their bit of fun and then fuckling off proud of themselves, they where messing around with local freak.

Did see two women walking off might of been them to paranoid to do much of anything. Once I regained me senses from this violation of my person. I said, I just do not care and just fuck off to V/P. It is my intent to repeat, as much as possible going forward and if they violate my mind just come back to my senses and tell them to kindly fuck off. One of the V/P would always argue I should not be around people as they are people with evil intention. I cannot really argue this anymore and hope to get out of here soon and away from such people as much as possible. I trust no one as they cannot be trusted but there are good people of course they are simply hard to see right now.

It can be tricky with V/P it seemed someone sneak into Neighbors and shouted something about move out you chancer., sort of hard to take this seriously other than I have meet many arseholes in my time. Also, neighbor’s dogs never went off so just ignoring, nice if I could keep nice flow like this when walking around it would be fun and on top of that there is some fucking thing interfering with my balls (tactile sensation) so 2020 apparently everyone is having a hard time. Which I am glad for the blessing of health for me and my family also keep my Uncle in mind as he has cancer. I am glad of the blessing of a new born in the family (safely & healthy for all involved). All of my family are clear of the bloody COVID-19 which is great. I am alive and breathing even came up with lovely slogan I got a giggle from. (will stick in picture at end) I have a roof over my head and technically still employed which is a blessing. I have a card with few quid to treat myself and someone else. I am surer of what I want to do in life, and I am excited to move forward with faith and hope in my heart. I am honestly curious were my life goes. Also, like Krishna Das has brilliant stuff if you are into chanting look him up on YouTube. I should throw him a few quid his stuff has helped me, wishing him well as he has Limes disease. I am thankful my Spiritual and Divine connection that comes through and has grown stronger. I just feel in the flow and happy to be alive. God is Good the Goddess is Good Life is good, but it is not all unicorns and rainbows. I reminded off cliché if it was not for the dark night how would we know the light. Sita Ram Sita Ram (Krishna Das song). I am thankful for new understanding of my being and others. I am thankful for the words Fuck Off I believe these will bring me much peace. I guess “No” would have done but hey some folks need clarifying. I am thankful for my ability to heal with help, to heal faster than I thought possible from a thing I would rather not speak off.

Sunny Day

Morning lovely day here in Cobh. The Sun is shining bit cold but lovely spot. So going to say some nice stuff before I go onto more embarrassing and just plain mad stuff. Maybe it is all mad I don’t know any more.

Below was meant to sound happy but when I typed it. Maybe its just a bit sad with a happy vibe mostly just like sad.

So went for a walk thought I might need a Hurley to defend myself as bit paranoid at the moment. I left it at home and was a bit surprised people where saying hello and a bit taken back as I truly believed they all wanted me dead. Picked up pace I guess I ignored some as just wanted to get home did my best even looked at one guy and said hello this is more than a bit unusual for me these days and very much try and avoid any contact with people. I trust no one as I have learned it is much safer this way. I think one guy called me a rat I just ignored him. I felt I picked up on emotions on the way around but I just ignored them. I have no idea what to do with this information. The dog got to have great run at a field I like to get to. Nice spot bit mucky at the moment but the dog loves it.

I realize typing this I was not doing as well as I thought but this is much better than I was doing few weeks ago. I kept thinking the thought “these thoughts are my own please leave them alone”. I believe people picked up on this. I think one woman may have actually tried to talk to me I think. I was in full flight paranoid mode and just tearing road so bit unlikely, I was going to stop for a chat. Might of been one woman threaten she just needs 5 minutes with me slightly off putting but just kept going. Have not really got the hang of going out yet but making progress.

I got around in one piece. Voices where going off on one did my best to ignore them as you would talk completely mad stuff if you engage even for a second and I mean really messed up stuff.

So slightly madder stuff below from my diary be prepared you might find odd stuff:

Small point to note people are happy to believe the voices in my head are my conscious. Also use the voices to call me mad. Also voices can be what you pick up and critical voices are never your conscious which is kind of important to note when hearing voice as this would be a serious problem otherwise and is a pain in the ass as is. You can learn a lot from critical voices I think their main vibe is sexual relations and to feel safe. Also some nasty stuff they picked up. Of course they express this in their own unique way. I heard a voice say hello coming into the park (sounded like a nice lady) I don’t think it was a person I don’t think it was a spirit I usually don’t do audio with them, It would be nice to have a positive voice for a change.

So below is of sort of a sexual nature these things can be experienced by voice hearers and I have my own unique take on it as always. When I use the term V/P I am not sure if it is people or voices messing me around. It can be very confusing given my life.

So I popped into the shower after walk and noticed certain parts of my body shall we say in the down stairs department stimulated and trust me there was no reason (honest no, really honest). This would be done in an abusive way there would not be much pleasure in it despite the body part mentioned trust me there is normal stuff and this stuff and you don’t want this stuff. I was just in the shower minding my business not thinking about anything of sexual nature. This followed a wonderful conversation with V/P that they wanted a sexual relation or masturbation. Which I have no real interest in at the moment as With intrusive imagery and thoughts it is not much interest and not very enjoyable. Also bit disgusting to be honest. This can be a thing that voice hearers have to deal with generally there can be sexual abuse in their past which seems to be related to this issue. Honestly I don’t think any one knows but there are theory’s. I have spoken online to woman with similar experiences they considered it rape on their person and nothing to be enjoyed despite what their body parts where doing.

So in slightly better news talking a little bit with a woman on watts app she does not seem in any rush just send her odd message at the moment it would be nice to meet up but the last two times she seems to be sick. So I don’t know if she is just stringing me along or really interested. We are going in and out of lockdown at moment. Not sure if I want a relationship I am really happy on my own I have spend most of my life on my own (I think I will keep it this way not sure at moment) and intend to move to house away from people as soon as I can.(Far Far Far Away). You don’t even want to know V/P are saying about this.

Below is a link to Go Fund Me to Get Self Care Cards done up any few quid be appreciated to help fund them.

This was meant to be a happy post so I don’t think I achieved that at all. Below is my gratitude list.

I have two eyes that can see.

I have a roof over my head.

I have a lovely dog.

Cobh is lovely Spot to walk in with Spot the dog.

I am healing with support and still employed from the last very serious psychosis episode (attack on my person from V/P).

I got out for a walk and said hello to some people.

I am getting back into exercise which is great. Slowely

I have food in my belly.

It is a lovely day.

It is good to be alive even on the shit days I still feel blessed.

Light and Love

Keep up the good fight till nest time.


How we now this is continued on from God/Madness/People/Voices–Part—3.
So just want to summarize with few beliefs I have picked up and developed along the away with information I believe from the Divine as well. These are just my beliefs they are not meant to offend in anyway what’s so ever. I would not dream of arguing any of these with anyone as people are entitled to their beliefs some of which you need to figure out and come to yourself. Below extract from my personal diary tidied up a bit.

“How we now V/P went to have a go at my belief in God and science. I have no idea why. I can learn to adopt my beliefs as I go but no matter what I chose to believe in God/Goddess. I believe, I guess faith. I have done this blindly and I have tried and looked into things myself possibly guided to figure out stuff that has never or have not been done in a while I honestly don’t know. Other than when in a room with people that know their stuff and I kick off they give it labels I have no interest in. I am again greatly humbled by having experiences I would call Divine Love touching my life and heart when I was basically out of options this picked me up a lot.

Even when I was really in the shitter. I prayed I gave out to God (a little) I genuine believe there is no harm in this. God is more than able to take it just give him some thanks after. I had some old thoughts/beliefs about my hope science will figure out some stuff around the God stuff/Energy/conscious etc. that at least this part of science that will remain respected by all will actually become something else it’s a hope/belief not sure where form it originated from a while back.

I am not sure if I lost my faith once and just kept praying I can’t remember (I really struggled around my own sexual abuse as a child and others and the thought God sat by and just did nothing. I struggled with this a long time. I don’t remember if I came up with an answer. I cant remember now as lame as it sounds all I have in my head is God/Goddess is love and nothing else. Everything he/she does is out of love and would not want us to go through this. Part of my belief is we are here to learn and evolve and in my belief God surfers this pain to allow us to do so and I do mean pain.

As messed up as it sounds their have been incredible human beings born form absolute horror and also destroyed by it myself included . I don’t know. I know this sounds lame but again I am not God/Goddess and it is a belief, I came to from various experiences or guided to I cant remember there is to much in my head over the years. I need to get better at this part and grow more but I need to chill for a while. I would not argue this with anyone they are entitled to their beliefs as am I. I would never argue this as everyone makes their own piece with what they have.

I have other beliefs like this I would not dream of arguing with anyone people need to make their own piece with this or stay at war their call. I would always ask what that belief is benefiting for you and not argue with them. I pray like everyone else probably a lot less than everyone else (maybe I pray in my own way) one of the V/P asked why the Divine answered my call. The word love popped into my head. I mean I have tried hard to embrace compassion they mock me repeatedly because off this. I don’t know, I would imagine others have more love than I do like monks and stuff and like good people nurses etc. Honestly I don’t know. I have memory’s of things but I don’t know.

I have beliefs around certain things I got from mediation. They involve death at a young age and that they would have had such a painful life it was taken from them to begin again in a better life as fucked as that sounds. I have this belief it was feed back to me be a reliable medium that I know why this happens. Again this is my belief I would never argue with anyone, I feel this just fits with God/Goddess is Love. And again some children that live for a while can bring such light to the world it is incredible. I have no idea where this is all coming from other than it just feels right and I am crying with no idea why and the V/P are about to flip out. I work in love and light and ask them to leave. “

So that is my update for last while I got some cards designed during this time and believe I am blessed if a bit mad. I wish everyone well. I feel good and life is good. Enjoy the xmass and New Year. Might start posting again more regularly if I have anything interesting to post.

Until next time

Love and Light

Keep up the Good fight


This is carried on from God/Madness/People/Voices–Part—2. It took me many years to recover this involved realizing I hear voices that are not people along the way. Still believed V/P where working away in the background. Their where many experiences with myself and others I don’t think I should go into as they involve others.

Best as I can tell this sensitivity in my person can be used for some really weird stuff. Also I went off in the Divine vibe for a while and blessed energies sent my way from others I have no idea how any of it works also asked the Divine for blessings. I regret nothing but if I had to do over I would talk more and look peoples way as I was beyond not grounded from the abuse V/P and most of the time was not 100% sure what was going on but always asked for the highest resolution and best good for everything also placed Jesus and Angels central so as far as I am concerned it was all from the Divine and the highest good, I do not question them or God but realize I was over zealous like a lot but did the best with what I had at time. I learn as I grow and do better.

Also might be worth noting for last 14 years my thoughts seem to be able to be tuned into. It is really weird sometimes there is nothing and next you have all sorts of weird stuff going. It feels like people are talking to you but again there is no one there. Anyone I have asked has just flat out said no. So some of this might be able to be written off as mental illness as thought projection belief but I don’t think all of it can. This is really hard to tell and deeply confusing.

So fast forward to the lovely year of 2020. There was a psychic weekend, it was a lovely weekend with Tony StockWell he was on fire brilliant weekend. Highly recommend the guy there was another Divine event there great and everything but they seem to be followed by me being completely torn to pieces. I went through the same event that happened 14 years ago which brings up the most embracing stuff from your life teemed up with intrusive stuff is quite the wreaking ball again I associate it with V/P interference. So this is where it gets just a little weird. It would seem people in the community now seem to aware of the process and the stuff I am going through and naturally I am getting right weird reactions but mostly ignored. Which is great cause I am so not a people person. I don’t like the term schizophrenia but anyone with this label this is more or less their ultimate nightmare and mine. People keep their head down or act right weird and say stuff, I just ignore as they have done mostly to me for last while as I basically smiled and nodded at everyone like a complete Moran. This is not debatable so Fuck me Alice I just popped out of that rabbit hole going what the fuck.

I do my best to recover daily what took me years is now taking me weeks with a lot of help in particular one light worker who lives locally. I cannot thank her enough she seemed to figure out stuff about me in an instant which V/P would simply use to destroy me.

It would appear my reputation/mind/energies/body have more or less been completely plundered, raped and destroyed. (little dramatic perhaps but it does feel a little lie that at times)

I don’t seem to care as I genuinely believe divine love has touched my heart and it just keeps me alive even on the cranky ass days. I can be hard not to be cranky with the voices it’s like they drag your thoughts into stuff about you and others that’s not very nice. I do what I can. The Divine is Good.

Continued in Part 4